Medical Health Information Technician Salary: Median $$$ in Alabama is $27,360 which is lower than the national median medical billing and coding salary in the United States. In the table below we have provided the median and mean salary of coders in AL, as well as in the U.S. so you can compare for yourself: Hourly […]
CCI to replace ICD-9 in Canada
The Canadian Classification of Health Interventions (CCI) is the new national standard for classifying health care procedures. CCI is the companion classification system to ICD-10-CA. CCI replaces the Canadian Classification of Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Surgical Procedures (CCP) and the intervention portion of ICD-9-CM in Canada. Scope CCI classifies a broad range of interventions, such as: […]
Medical Coding Salary NJ (New Jersey)
Medical Health Information Technician Salary: Median $$$ in New Jersey is $56,820 which is higher than the national median medical billing coding salary in the United States. In the table below we have provided the median and mean salary of coders in NJ, as well as in the U.S. so you can compare for […]
Medical Billing and Coder Salary in Vermont (VT)
Medical Health Information Technician Salary: Median $$$ in Vermont is $39,470 which is higher than the national median medical billing coding salary in the United States. In the table below we have provided the median and mean salary of coders in VT, as well as in the U.S. so you can compare for yourself: Hourly […]