Medical Health Information Technician Salary: Median $$$ in Florida is $33,480 which is lower than the national median medical billing coding salary in the United States. In the table below we have provided the median and mean salary of coders in FL, as well as in the U.S. so you can compare for yourself: Hourly Mean […]
Salary for Medical Coders in Guam (GU)
Medical Health Information Technician Salary: Median $$$ in Guam is $25,570 which is lower than the national median medical billing coding salary in the United States. In the table below we have provided the median and mean salary of coders in GU, as well as in the U.S. so you can compare for yourself: […]
Medical Coder Biller Salary Georgia (GA)
Medical Health Information Technician Salary: Median $$$ in Georgia is $33,140 which is lower than the national median medical billing coding salary in the United States. In the table below we have provided the median and mean salary of coders in GA, as well as in the U.S. so you can compare for yourself: Hourly […]
Medical Coding Salary for Jobs in Tennessee (TN)
Medical Health Information Technician Salary: Median $$$ in Tennessee is $31,100 which is lower than the national median medical billing coding salary in the United States. In the table below we have provided the median and mean salary of coders in TN, as well as in the U.S. so you can compare for yourself: Hourly […]